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Friday, June 26, 2009

PeopleTools Tables


* PSPROJECTDEFN — Project header table
* PSPROJECTITEM — Definitions in the project


* PSDBFIELD — Fields in the system
* PSXLATITEM — Translate Values


* PSRECDEFN — Record header table
* PSRECFIELD — Fields in the record (subrecords not expanded)
* PSRECFIELDALL — Fields in the record (subrecords expanded)
* PSKEYDEFN — Indexes
* PSTBLSPCCAT — Tablespaces
* PSRECTBLSPC — Records’ tablespace assignments


(Note: Pages still have the name panels in the PeopleTools table names)

* PSPNLDEFN — Page header table
* PSPNLFIELD — Page controls (field types/FIELDTYPE)
* PSPNLHTMLAREA — Static HTML Areas on Pages


(Note: Components still have the name panel group in the PeopleTools table names)

* PSPNLGRPDEFN — Component header table
* PSPNLGROUP — Pages in the components

Component Interface

* PSBCDEFN — header record; one row for each component interface
* PSBCITEM — one row for each property


* PSMENUDEFN — Menu header table
* PSMENUITEM — Items (components) on the menu


* PSCLASSDEFN — Permission List header table
* PSAUTHITEM — Menu items granted security by permission lists
* PSROLEDEFN — Role header table
* PSROLECLASS — Permission Lists in roles
* PSOPRDEFN — User ID header table
* PSROLEUSER — Roles granted to users

Process Scheduler

* PS_PRCSDEFN — Process Definition Header
* PS_PRCSDEFNGRP — Process Group
* PS_PRCSDEFNPNL — Component
* PSPRCSRQST — Process Request Instances
* PS_PRCSJOBITEM — Job Processes


* PSPRSMDEFN — Content References and Folders
* PSPRUHTABPGLT — Portal User HP Tab Pagelet

Change Control

* PSCHGCTLHIST — shows history of locked definitions with project name, incident, and description
* PSCHGCTLLOCK — shows definitions that are currently locked

Application Engine

* PSAEAPPLDEFN — header record; 1 row per app engine
* PSAEAPPLSTATE — state records assigned to app engines
* PSAEAPPLTEMPTBL — temp tables assigned to app engines
* PSAESECTDEFN — sections
* PSAESTMTDEFN — actions (action types)

List Log Messages

HTML Definitions

* PSCONTDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
* PSCONTENT — stores actual text in the HTML definition

SQL Definitions

* PSSQLDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
* PSSQLTEXTDEFN — stores actual text in the SQL definition

File Layout Definitions

* PSFLDDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
* PSFLDSEGDEFN — stores the segments for each layout
* PSFLDFIELDDEFN — stores the fields for each layout


* APPR_RULE_DETL - Approval Rule Defn Details
* APPR_RULE_FIELD - Approval Rule Defn Route Cntl
* APPR_RULE_AMT - Approval Rule Amounts
* RTE_CNTL_LN - Route Control Profile Line
* RTE_CNTL_RUSER - RoleUser Route Cntl Profiles
* RTE_CNTL_TYPE - Route Control Type
* RTE_CNTL_HDR - Routing Control Type

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