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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

domodalcomponent steps

Drag and drop the 2 fields STUID,NAME from the work record in all the pages

1.Create the required fields and place them in to the record PS_SRI_STUMOD_TBL(*place the Student id and name in to the record*)
2.Create a Derived/Work record with 2 fields (stuid,name from grid) and save it with _WRK.
3.Place a hyperlink/ push button in the grid.In the hyperlink /pushbutton properties select the Destination as PeoplecodeCommand,record name:SRI_STU1_TBL and field name:SRI_STUABC_INFO and select the check button set component changed.

4.IN component level record field level assign the values to the Derived/Work record.
Local Rowset &RS0, &RS1, &RS2, &RS3;
&RS0 = GetLevel0();
&RS1 = &RS0(1).GetRowset(Scroll.SRI_ORG1_TBL);
For &I = 1 To &RS1.ActiveRowCount
&RS2 = &RS1(&I).GetRowset(Scroll.SRI_DEPT1_TBL);
For &J = 1 To &RS2.ActiveRowCount
&RS3 = &RS2(&J).GetRowset(Scroll.SRI_STU1_TBL);
For &K = 1 To &RS3.ActiveRowCount;
&SID = GetRecord(Record.SRI_STU1_TBL).GetField(Field.SRI_STU1_ID).Value;
&SNAME = GetRecord(Record.SRI_STU1_TBL).GetField(Field.SRI_STU1_NAME).Value;
DoModalComponent(MenuName.SRI_UNV_MNU, BarName.SRI_UNV_MNU, ItemName.SRI_STUABS_CMP, Page.SRI_STUABS_PNL, "A", Record.SRI_STUAB_WRK);
5.Call the other page /component using the DoModalComponent function.
DoModalComponent(MenuName.SRI_UNV_MNU, BarName.SRI_UNV_MNU, ItemName.SRI_STUABS_CMP, Page.SRI_STUABS_PNL, "A", Record.SRI_STUAB_WRK);
6.Create a View for the STUDENTID and NAME (SRI_STUAB_VW)
7.For STUDENTID in the table PS_SRI_STUMOD_TBL give the view (this makes the scroll change when we select different student id's)

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